1. Comparative Russian-European political studies. – Moscow: RSUH, 2005
2. Stalin`s terror. High politics and mass repression in the Soviet Union/ed. by B. McLoughlin, K. McDermott – London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003
3. The making of Regions in Post-Socialist Europe – the Impact of Culture, Economic Structure and Institutions Vol. 1/M. Tatur (ed.) - Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004
4. The making of Regions in Post-Socialist Europe – the Impact of Culture, Economic Structure and Institutions Vol. 2/M. Tatur (ed.) - Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2004
5. Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 54 №3 September 2002/Edward M. Swiderski(ed.) – Dordrecht: Kluver Academic Publishers, 2002
6. Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 53 №1-2 June 2001/Edward M. Swiderski(ed.) – Dordrecht: Kluver Academic Publishers, 2001
7. Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 53 №4 December 2001/Edward M. Swiderski(ed.) – Dordrecht: Kluver Academic Publishers, 2001
8. Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 55 №1 March 2003/Edward M. Swiderski(ed.) – Dordrecht: Kluver Academic Publishers, 2003
9. Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 53 №3 September 2001/Edward M. Swiderski(ed.) – Dordrecht: Kluver Academic Publishers, 2001
15. Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 54 №1-2 March 2002/Edward M. Swiderski(ed.) – Dordrecht: Kluver Academic Publishers, 2002
10. Studies in East European Thought. Vol. 54 №4 December 2002/Edward M. Swiderski(ed.) – Dordrecht: Kluver Academic Publishers, 2002
11. Five decades of constitutionalism: reality and perspectives (1945-1995)/T. Fleiner (ed.) - Basel; Genf; München: Helbing und Lichtenhahn, 1999
12. Federalism and decentralization in Africa. The multicultural Challenge/L.R.Basta, J. Ibrahim(eds.) – Fribourg: Institut du fédéralisme, 1999
13. P. Fiorina M. Culture War? (Culture of War?) / Morris P. Fiorina, Samuel J. Abrams, Jeremy C.Pope. – New York: Pearson Educations, Inc, 2005
14. The Condition of Citizenship / edited by Bart van Steenbergen. – London; Thousand Oaks ; New Dehli : SAGE Publications, 1996
15. Zolo D. Democracy and Complexity / Danilo Zolo. – Cambridge: Polity Press, 1992
16. Kagan R. Paradise & Power / Robert Kagan. – London : Atlantic Books, 2003
17. Values in Islamic Culture and the Experience of History / edited by Nur Kirabaev. – Washington D.C. : Cardinal Station, 2002
18. Annotated catalogue of the courses of academic disciplines / edited by Yu. Afanasiev. – Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2000
19. Switzerland in its diversity. – Hallweg Kümmerly+Frey, 2007/08 – (7 экз.)
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23. Direct democracy in Switzerland – DVD-ROM, published by Presence Switzerland PRS – (4 экз.)
24. Zürich. The DVD of Greater Zürich area – Greater Zürich Area AG
25. Klöti U. Handbook of Swiss Politics/U. Klöti, P. Knopfel, H. Kriesi u.a. – Zurich: NZZ Publishing, 2004
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29. Federalism: Russian and Swiss Perspektives/Materials of Conference edited by T. Fleiner and F. Khakimov – Moscow, 2001
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31. Anthropological journal on European Cultures; Vol. 6 №2; [ed. C. Giordano] – Frankfurt-am-Main: Fribourg & Ina-Maria Greverus, 1998
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